The following is a list of things to do when you are not feeling so great.
Try to do at least three of the things on the list, but always take the bath first.
Stay in the bath at least fifteen minutes. ( Try not to go outside after bathing ! )
When you finish, you will feel much better !
When you feel angry
take a rose bubble bath.
put on your pink nightgown or pajamas, or sweat suit.
color three pages in your coloring book, and color everything blue and green.
write out exactly what you are feeling in your journal with your blue pen.
put the pink sheets on your bed, lie down and curl up your bunbun (teddy bear).
When you feel sad
take a lavender bath.
put on your best outfit.
have a Kisses or two or three.
color three pages in your coloring book.
after coloring, write out what you feel in your journal. (be sure to have tissues nearby,hehe)
talk to your bunbun. Tell the bunbun all the things you want to tell.
When you feel confused
take a peppermint bath.
suck on a peppermint.
put on your white nightgown or pajamas, or sweat suit.
polish your toenails.
comb Barbie's hair and change her clothes. (dont be shy to be friends with barbie doll, even I still play it at my age)
color three pages in your coloring book.
after coloring, write out what you feel in your journal.
When you feel frightened
take a rose or lavender bath.
have a peppermint candy.
put on your white nightgown or pajamas, or sweat suit.
paint your finger and toenails.
talk to your bunbun and tell the bunbun what you need to hear.
talk to your tree. (get permission before leaving the house.) Tell the tree exactly what you feel ,and ask it to help you be strong.
color five pages in your coloring book. Use as much pink as you can.
When you feel lonely
take a rose bath.
put on your pink nightgown or pajamas , or sweat suit.
have three kisses.
write a letter to yourself in your journal with your purple pen, explaining why you feel what you feel.
read the letter to your bunbun.
do ten jumping jacks.
color three pages in your coloring book.
I love this. So much! Thanks! <3